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SMT basic technology:Solder paste printing ,Parts mounting , reflow welding ,AOI Optical Inspection , Maintenance ,Splice.

Date: 2024-12-18    Visit: 186

Solder paste printing --> Parts mounting --> reflow welding -->AOI Optical Inspection --> Maintenance --> Splice.

Electronic products pursue miniaturization, but the previously used punch plug-in components can no longer be shrunk. At present, the integrated circuit (IC) used has no perforated components, especially large-scale, highly integrated ics, and surface patch components have to be used. Product mass, production automation, manufacturers to low cost and high output, produce high-quality products to meet customer needs and strengthen market competitiveness The development of electronic components, integrated circuit (IC) development, semiconductor materials of multiple applications, electronic technology revolution is imperative. It can be imagined that in the case of intel, amd and other international CPU, image processing device manufacturers to improve the production process to 20 nm, the development of SMT this surface assembly technology and process is also necessary.

The advantages of SMT chip processing are: high assembly density, small size of electronic products, light weight, the volume and weight of the chip components are only about 1/10 of the traditional plug-in components, high reliability, strong vibration resistance, and low solder joint defect rate. After SMT is generally used, the volume of electronic products can be reduced by 40% to 60%, and the weight can be reduced by 60% to 80%. SMT has good high-frequency characteristics, reduces electromagnetic and RF interference, is easy to achieve automation, improves production efficiency, and can reduce costs by 30% to 50%. Save materials, energy, equipment, manpower, time, etc.

It is precisely because of the complexity of the SMT chip processing process, so there are many SMT chip processing factories, specializing in SMT chip processing, in Shenzhen, thanks to the vigorous development of the electronics industry, SMT chip processing has achieved the prosperity of an industry.

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